Cat Mouse

This project started because I wanted to learn Graph Theory and Path Finding Algorithms.

It demonstrates the Traveling Salesman Problem.

This app allows you to create a maze with some rewards for the cat (milk and mouse), the cat will calculate the optimal path to get the milk and the mouse.
Breadth First Search Graph Theory Vue Typescript Mocha Vue Test Utils

Balloon Story

Animation that won 1st place in the Art Submission Contest of VueConf US 2019!

Background and object movement are randomly generated; the app also demonstrates collision physics between the snow flakes and the balloon. Everything was made from scratch using canvas.
Vue Javascript VueConf 2019 1st Place Winner

Disney Music Game!

I'm a big fan of Disney Songs in general, so this project had to happen eventually!

Can you guess the song? This WebApp will randomly select a certain Disney song and, by using YouTube's API, play random parts of that song at random speeds (super slow or super fast).

You have a few seconds to guess, once the time is up, the answer is revealed with a video playing an iconic part of that song.
Youtube API Vue Vuetify Typescript

Mob Programming

An application that simulates a production line.

It is meant to help the user to understand the benefits of mob programming. It allows manual management by drag-and-dropping workers into any workstation. The animation speeds are fully customizable via an intuitive control panel.

The production statistics are shown in the end as a bar chart.
ChartJs Vue Typescript

Game of Life

Conway's Game of Life

A simulation of simple life forms that can either reproduce, die or remain.

I also added a small control panel where the user can change the Frames-per-second and size of grid.
Canvas Algorithms

Dangerous Signs

An Open Data project!

What is the most dangerous STOP sign in the city of Kitchener?

To answer this question I make use of Kitchener's Open data database to combine the information of traffic collisions and stop signs locations, putting it all together into a neatly organized interactive map.
GoogleMaps GeoLocation StreetView Vue Typescript Laravel

Not enough space!

A simple 3D space game.

The player is in control of a spaceship inside a tunnel filled with debris.

Can you dodge the space junk and reach the end of the tunnel ?
Or will your aircraft become part of the debris?
WebGL BabylonJS Typescript

My personal website. You're looking at it right now!

It was made with Nuxt (server-side rendering), Typescript and Vuetify components. The server was prepared by me, by installing the required resources for a typical LEMP stack server; SSL was achieved with Let's Encrypt (free SSL). The nuxt mini-server runs on a forked pm2 process.
Nuxt Vue Vuetify Typescript SSR deployment